Saturday, September 21, 2024


'I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.' - Philippians 4 vs 12

  • I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound


Let's take a look at this verse in some other Bible translations:

'I know what it is to be in need and what it is to have more than enough. I have learned this secret, so that anywhere, at any time, I am content, whether I am full or hungry, whether I have too much or too little.' - Philippians 4 vs 12 {GNB}

  • I know what it is to be in need and what it is to have more than enough
  • anywhere, at any time, I am content, whether I am full or hungry, whether I have too much or little

'I know how to live in poverty or prosperity. No matter what the situation, I’ve learned the secret of how to live when I’m full or when I’m hungry, when I have too much or when I have too little.' - Philippians 4 vs 12 {GW}

  • I know how to live in poverty or prosperity

'I know what it means to lack, and I know what it means to experience overwhelming abundance. For I’m trained in the secret of overcoming all things, whether in fullness or in hunger. And I find that the strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty.' - Philippians 4 vs 12 - 13 {TPT}

  • I know what it means to lack, and I know what it means to experience overwhelming abundance

If you paid good attention as you read the verses, you'll agree with me that for the Christian, there's no room for ungodly compromise due to lack or suffering.

The above heading is the statement of the Apostle Paul which you've read above, that shows to us that there is a way to live in the condition of poverty and in the condition of prosperity. That means, when poverty sets in, ungodly compromises is not an option! We don't begin to do ungodly things to take care of our needs. Rather, we are informed that there is a way to live in times of poverty. Think about that. So, how should the Christian live in times of poverty? What conduct does God expect of the Believer when he is in poverty?

'But godliness with contentment is great gain. 
For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.' - 1 Timothy 6 vs 6 - 7 {KJV}

Contentment simply means 'to be satisfied'. So, to be content means 'to be satisfied'. The word 'contentment' doesn't necessarily apply to being satisfied with only little things, but rather, it means to be satisfied with whatsoever you have, whether little or abundant. So again, see what Paul says:

'I know how to live in poverty or prosperity. No matter what the situation, I’ve learned the secret of how to live when I’m full or when I’m hungry, when I have too much or when I have too little.' - Philippians 4 vs 12 {GW}

  • I know how to live in poverty or prosperity

So, how do you live in poverty or prosperity? With Contentment! He is saying, be satisfied with whatsoever you have, in whatever state you are, whether you have too much or if you have too little, be satisfied. Then he gives us a revelation that fuels that satisfaction, he said, "For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out." You see that... Until you come to this revelation, until you come to the acceptance of this truth, ungodliness will still have a place in your eyes - every now and then you will find yourself lying, cheating, stealing just to get money that perishes! - Think about that

There is something God has said concerning every situation of man, this is what God has said concerning the Believer in poverty! We stay satisfied with just what we have. That means, we will adjust our lives to our economic levels at every point in our lives. No compromises! No ungodly indulgements! We stay satisfied. Hallelujah! Now, see how satisfied God wants His children to be irrespective of their poverty:

'And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.' - 1 Timothy 6 vs 8 {KJV}

This translation is clear enough, but let's see the verse in the God's Word translation:

'As long as we have food and clothes, we should be satisfied.'

Uhmmmm! You see, it's not to say I'm a Christian; the question is, Do you live by the Word? As long as we have food and clothes, God says to us, Be satisfied!

'Be not thou afraid when one is made rich, when the glory of his house is increased; 
For when he dieth he shall carry nothing away: his glory shall not descend after him.' - Psalm 49 vs 16 - 17 {KING JAMES VERSION}

  • For when he dieth he shall carry nothing away

'Don't be upset when someone becomes rich, when his wealth grows even greater; 
he cannot take it with him when he dies; his wealth will not go with him to the grave.' Psalms 49 vs 16 - 17 {GOOD NEWS BIBLE}

  • he cannot take it with him when he dies
  • his wealth will not go with him to the grave

These are fuelers of our convictions! These are truths to realise, and your convictions will be strengthened to walk with God uprightly irrespective of the condition or poverty you are faced with - they are only temporal, in that you are a sojourner, a traveler on earth, you will be out of here soon. Think upon it.

The desire to be rich in a man is a risky desire! Such cravings are dangerous. So should Christians be poor? That's not the point being communicated. The Bible warns us about the desire to be rich, let's take a look at it:

'But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.' - 1 Timothy 6 vs 9 {KJV}

You see that? The desire to be rich in itself is a trap, and men hardly escape the trap of the desire to be rich. We are admonished that the desire to be rich will lure a man into foolish desires which drown men into destruction, and eventually, eternal perdition. So what do we do? We stay satisfied! Satisfied with what you have. If you have little, be satisfied with it. Even as you work hard and make money, you do that without fleshly cravings; you pursue your life's course from the place of contentment, satisfaction. If you have plenty, be satisfied with it. Even as you work hard and make money, you do that without fleshly cravings; you pursue your life's course from the place of contentment, satisfaction. This is it.

'But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. 
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.' - 1 Timothy 6 vs 9 - 10 {KING JAMES VERSION}

Meaning, those who desire to be rich! He shows us that these ones get into hurtful desires, which brings about ungodly actions, which ultimately sends them to hell. Read the verse carefully, you will get the point.
Then the next verse tells us that the love of money, the excessive desire for money is the root of all evil. Then he tells us that those who stretched themselves for it erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. Uhmmm
To covet after money is to put your Salvation on the line, because such inordinate desire for money will always lead you to do things that are inconsistent with the righteousness of God, all because of money! You can't escape that trap if your desire is to be rich! This is the reason why we are thus admonished to be content with what we have. We came into this world with nothing, we will certainly leave it with nothing.

'But those who crave the wealth of this world slip into spiritual snares. They become trapped by the troubles that come through their foolish and harmful desires, driven by greed and drowning in their own sinful pleasures. And they take others down with them into their corruption and eventual destruction. 
Loving money is the first step toward all kinds of trouble. Some people run after it so much that they have given up their faith. Craving more money pushes them away from the faith into error, compounding misery in their lives!' - 1 Timothy 6 vs 9 - 10 {THE PASSION TRANSLATION}

  • Some people run after money so much that they have given up their faith
  • Craving more money pushes them away from the faith into error

You see... It's impossible to crave for riches and not slip off the faith. Does this mean that Believers should be poor? No! That's not the point. The point is, desiring to have more money (riches) will cause you to fall into temptation, which will drown you in destruction and perdition. Rather, live in contentment! Grow with contentment! Earn money with contentment! Grow rich with contentment! No desires to have more! No extravagant desire to make wealth! No crave for more money! We are content with whatsoever we have at every point in our lives! No rush, no pressures, no excessive desires! Just Jesus and His kingdom established in the earth - this is our desire, this is what we crave to see, this is what we long for! Amen.

Hey friend! We won't be here for long. Hold on, we will soon be out of this world. Contentment is beautiful. Walk in it. May the Lord strengthen your heart with these words. Amen.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.

- Jenning U. Angel

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